Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Finishing Up

Our language arts classes have been working so diligently these last few weeks. We've all read 3 Cups of Tea, Young Reader's Edition and learning about Greg Mortenson's journey. The students have all worked through an individualized packet designed for their reading level. These packets allow students to move at their own pace and have work that is suited for students with strengths in linguistic, logical and spatial intelligences. As the students completed these packets, they all found a quote or wrote their own one line summary of the book to be written on paper tea cups. Visit the blog again soon for a picture once this activity is completed!

Our next literary journey takes us to anicent Greece. We will begin with Reader's Theater versios of the Illiad, the Odyessy and the Aeneid. Following this short activity, we will read Rick Riordan's The Lightning Thief, the first book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Some students have requested quizzes rather than packets, so be sure to ask your student whether they have quizzes or a packet to work on. Most students are purchasing the novel through a classroom order, but we will also have several available at school. Students should be reading 30 minutes a night, at least 5 nights a week. They may choose to read our classroom novel, or choose one of thier own. Please note that our classroom novels are available as audio CDs that students may check out and download to their own iTunes or other music files at home. They are also allowed to use iPods or other mp3 players during class time if they are listening to the audio book or music without words.

The First Years are moving onto Egypt next week. They've really enjoyed learning about ancient Mesopotamia. Thier favorite activity was learning to rap "We're in that Fertile Crescent," a song from Flocabulary. Ask them to share this with you!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Festival!

Our annual Fall Festival trip happens this week! Students chose between two trips-- hiking or biking. Our bikers are headed to Watoga State Park and our hikers are going to Sherando Lake. Both trips leave Tuesday morning and will be back for dismissal on Thursday. Please let us know if you have any questions!

In language arts, all three classes are working on packets to go with 3 Cups of Tea. They all seem to really be enjoying the book and we've already started our own collection of pennies for the Pennies for Peace program. Check out this YouTube clip:

Our next book is The Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan. As usual, while it is not required, I encourage students to have a personal copy to read at home or take notes in, if they own the book (as opposed to a library book).

In social studies, we have been learning about Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent. We've been using Flocabulary's Hip Hop History of the World to help us remember the important contributions from Mesopotamia.