Expectations For Writing Assignments- Revised for Fall 2012

1.      On Thursdays, I expect you to turn in an outline, a rough draft that is edited (and signed by the editor), and a better draft that shows correction.
2.      I expect you to spend at least 2 nights a week working on these assignments, but 3 is better! I recommend the following schedule: Brainstorm and organize on Thursday, Rough Draft on Sunday, have someone edit the work on Monday, make corrections and finish better draft on Tuesday. This gives you one flex day, in case something comes up.
3.      A parent, another teacher or someone who knows more about writing than you do needs to edit your work! Please read over their suggestions and make the necessary changes. 
4.      Type or write your name and the date at the top left or right of the page.
5.      I prefer that you type and print your work, using Times New Roman, size 12 font, double spaced. However, you may hand-write your work NEATLY. Please also skip lines in between.
6.      Plan accordingly if you need to print your work at school. Your work should be ready to turn assignments in at the start of your class on Thursdays. This means you need to print better drafts on Wednesdays or Thursday mornings before morning meeting. 

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