Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year!

Happy New Year to all of you!

In December, students in all language arts classes had the choice of two books, Fever 1793 or Chains, both by Laurie Halse Anderson.  Students took notes on the use of historical facts in fiction, character development and symbolism in the novels.  Due to snow days prior to winter break, we concluded these novel units yesterday.  Students wrote papers using their notes, and shared thoughtful insights during a whole class discussion.  They also shared their favorite scenes from the books.

Next week, we will be starting The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, by Avi.  Each student may choose an individual project to focus on for this novel, but may help others.  I am ordering extra copies that will be available for purchase, but there will also be class copies available.  In addition, this book should be easy to find at your local library.

In social studies, we are beginning research on the history of the thirteen original colonies.  Please use
this link to begin your research.  Projects will be due January 27th.

Important Dates this month:
Friday, January 14th-- Local Hero Award Ceremony
Monday, January 17th-- MLK Jr. Day, No School
Friday, January 28th-- Conference Day, No School