Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Hello readers!
My apologies for the time between posts; February and now March have flown by here at school!  Between our spring trip to St. Augustine, the Woof and Warps' intensive study of the American Revolution and spring break approaching, we've filled our hours at school with research, projects, cooking projects, cool Friday Groups and lots of other hands-on activities.
In social studies, the students all chose topics concerning the American Revolution to research.  Each student was required to use three sources (at least one needed to be a print source and Wikipedia did not count as a source!)  I shared Easy Bib with them, in efforts to make sure they all included bibliographies.  At home, they prepared a poster to share with their classmates.  We'll use this information, along with notes from the online game, Mission U.S: For Crown of Colony and PBS's video series, Liberty!,  next week in a culminating activity. I have been so impressed with their enthusiasm for this project-- bravo, Woof and Warps!