Friday, January 6, 2012

A New Year!

Hello all! We're off and running on a new calendar year, but finishing up work as we near the end of our first semester. Conferences are on Friday, January 27th. Please check Quick Notes for your time!

The Haighs and Hattas are finishing up our study of the 1930s. This week, we examinded the FSA photographs of the Dust Bowl and discussed how photographs can be manipulated to elicit specific emotions (we also looked at a few modern examples). The last two days, the students have taken their own photos and will be editing them next week.

In language arts, we reviewed Out of the Dust and will spend some time next week on literature and poetry that was written in the 1930s. By the end of the month, we will start our next round of novels: To Kill a Mockingbird or The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had. Both books deal with the issues of racism and inequality, though are different in story line. Please talk with your student about which book would be the best choice for them!

And though we're already in 2012, here's a great 2011 review from the guys at Flocabulary. Enjoy and happy new year!