Friday, July 20, 2012

Scenes from our Summer N.E.T Trips!

We are 3/4 of the way through our summer program, N.E.T (Not Enough Time!). So far this summer, students read Jefferson's Sons and visited Jefferson's home, Monticello; they studied Shakespeare and went to see The Merchant of Venice at the American Shakespeare Center and hiked the trail at Roaring Run. Here are a few pictures:
Viewing the gardens

"Pictures of people taking pictures of people taking pictures." (Jack Johnson)

The pond where fish were kept until dinner!

Waiting for our house tour


Jefferson's gravestone

After Monticello, we went downtown Charlottesville and shared our thoughts on the First Amendment Wall.

Ami Trowell, getting the group ready to see The Merchant of Venice.

Performing excerpts

Improv games

Dancing in the ballroom before dinner at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel.

Post-play euphoria! We had a great time!

Head of the Roaring Run trail!

Three trips down, one more to go! Hope you all are enjoying your summer as much as we are!