Monday, October 22, 2012

Narwhal Class Updates by Madeleine

I am Madeleine and this is an overlook of what we are working on in classes. In Katrina's Language Arts class, we are studying heroes. First, we studied how Joseph Campbell defined the hero's journey. We read a  Reader's Theater version of the Epic of Gilgamesh and recently watched the Labyrinth and decided whether or not the main characters, Gilgamesh and Sarah, fit into Campbell's monomyth pattern.. In Social Studies, we are doing a mock election. This includes students dressing up and presenting speeches as the candidates, staying up to date on the news as media consultants, writing speeches and having a historian document the process. This is a fun and interesting unit!
In our science class, we are learning about archaeology and how artifacts are preserved and which environment best preserves them. Bill's math class is working on dividing and multiplying fractions and mixed numbers, while Linda's math class is working on integers and variables for high school algebra credit. In drama, we are working very hard on a revised play version of Homer's The Illiad. In music, we are exploring the new keyboards and improving our skills. This is an exciting time of year in Spanish class because our Bolivian exchange students have arrived! I am hosting a student named Carla; she is so sweet! We are working on fall images in art class, using colored pencils to create shaded and lighted places in the image. In Writing Workshop, we are working on including lots of details in our pieces. I loved writing a super detailed paper. It was hard, but fun to do!
Friday Groups are a special treat for us in middle school. They are something I enjoy. This conference period, groups have included Photojournalism, Life and Music on the Crooked Road, Camp Cooking, Beginning Robotics and a Nature/Art group. New Friday groups start this Friday!
- Madeleine

Other Updates from Katrina
We have been very busy at school these last few weeks! Here are a few important dates that are coming up:

Tuesday 10/23- Narwhals are presenting election speeches to Boxwoods classes.

Wednesday 10/24- Pizza day; Field trip to Hollins to see La Llorona, by Community High School; MS Dance at Kirk Avenue Music Hall

Tuesday 10/30- Mock Election at CS

Saturday 11/3- Flapjack Fundraiser at Valley View Applebee's to raise money for Spring Trips

Tuesday 11/6- Conference Day! No regular classes this day!

Thursday 11/8 Fall Into the Arts Event-- The Tempest: Explored

Monday 11/12- Off Campus All Day! We are going to Poplar Forest for an archaeology presentation.

There are so many other wonderful things going on at CS. Please be sure to check Quick Notes for a complete list of dates! An exciting event coming up soon is the next public event in our Fall Into the Arts series-- on Thursday, November 8th, the Virginia Stage Company will present The Tempest- Explored at the June McBroom Theater, at Community High. Tickets available online at

One final announcement. Following the success of several other levels here at CS, the middle school has created a closed Facebook group, as an additional form of communication. Please search for "Community School MS," and request to be added to the group!

As always, I look forward to your feedback. Feel free to call or email me anytime.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Scholastic Orders!

October Scholastic orders are coming home today! To order inline, go to, sign in or create a login and enter H2CNC as our classroom code. There are several additional catalogs available online as well! This is an easy way for us to get free books for classroom and discounted books for your home libraries.
Thanks for your support!