Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had restful holidays and that we're all ready to jump right back in.
In language arts, we will be reading a Reader's Theater version of Oedipus Rex. This follows our mini-plays, where Katrina's class performed The Illiad, Linda's class performed The Odyssey and Emilie's class performed The Aenied.

This week, we are looking at Greek and Latin root words and are creating our own. It's a lot of fun!

Following our study of Greek theater, we will all ready Tiger, Tiger by Lynn Reid Banks.

A reminder that there is NO small writing due this week, but we'll be back on track next week.

*As an effort to increase traffic here on the blog, I'm going to start posting occasional questions. Post your answer and before I post the next blog, I'll choose a winner at random. Here's today's question:
What book(s) have you enjoyed that have been made into movies? Do you like the book or the movie more? Why?


Unknown said...

I like the Harry Potter Books, Spiderwick Cronicles, AND i know I am going to enjoy PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMIANS THE LIGHTNING THEIF movie!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I can't wait for percy jackson either! it will be sooo cool! Flipped by Wendilin Van Draanen will also be a movie. :( I tend to like the books better!

Unknown said...

So Katrina, What is Tiger Tiger about? I thought it was about Greece or something.

Also, concerning the Percy Jackson movie, I actually don't think I am going to enjoy it. I saw the preview when I was watching "Avatar" (Which by the way, you MUST see), I thought they had over-dramatized things and added to many battle scenes. But, it is only a commercial. And BTW: I love this blog. -Caleb