Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Back to School!

We're back from our spring trip to Washington, D.C!  It was a great trip.  We visited the Newseum, the International Spy Museum, a few Smithsonians, the monuments along the Mall and the National Gallery of Art (where some of us saw an actual Da Vinci painting and a few Vermeers!).  The hostel is always a wonderful place to stay; the kitchen and dining area makes it easy for us to make breakfasts and pack our lunches.  The students had many opportunities to interact with different groups of friends and I truly appreciate being able to see first hand how CS kids value one another. 

Monday was a very productive day, despite the fact that so many kids are focused on Spring Break!  To expand on our study of heroes, I read three children's books to the classea and we discussed which characters were heroes and why.  I read The Paper Bag Princess, by Robert Munsch, The Lorax, by Dr. Suess and Smoky Night, by Eve Bunting.  Today, we are reading articles from CNN's Hero Project. and sharing about real-life heroes. 

This week's small writing is a free choice, but I've asked the students to focus on last week's trip.  Spring Break starts on Friday (No school!) and we'll return on Monday, April 12th. 

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